Author: Espen Stranger Seland

Dead Moon

Still miss ’em.

Andrew Loomis, Dead Moon

Andrew Loomis, Dead Moon. Concert at John DEE, Oslo, Norway, 2006-09-22

Dead Moon RIP :-(

Dead Moon RIP. Concert at John DEE, Oslo, Norway, 2006-09-22

Composite image

This is a concert photo consisting of two composite images. The first focus point is on the guitarist’s fingertip, the next on his face. Both images had shallow depth (DOF), taken at f/2.8. As you can see, the hand behind the finger is out of focus, so this image is obviously manipulated with it’s “dual DOF”.

The Carburetors

Fast Forward Rock-n-Roll: Guitarist Stian Krogh, The Carburetors at John Dee, Oslo, Norway, 2009-05-16

Thanks to guitarist Stian for giving me 2-3 seconds to do some refocusing! More images from this concert at my Flickr-stream.

HDR in concert photography?

This is the closest I could get, and my only try. You can’t see the band either, so I guess it’s a “fail”. The photo is composed by two images, hand held, taken with high speed bracketing. Some movement can be seen. I’ll try to make a tone mapped photo of an artist on stage this summer.


Elephant9, Øyafestivalen

I’m not a big fan of “HDR” and tone mapping, especially if you can see tone mapping has been used. You should read the article Cooking Vegetables by Mike Johnston.

Later I will post another “cheat”, a composite concert photo to show greater DOF.

Blaine Cartwright, Nine Pound Hammer

Blaine Cartwright / Nine Pound Hammer @ Garage, Oslo, 2007-07-03

Blaine Cartwright, Nine Pound Hammer at Garage, Oslo, 2007-07-03. Copyright Espen Stranger Seland /