Category: Photography

Farewell to Trashcan Darlings

We will miss you, kings of glam punk! I hope to see a lot of you at TD’s last concert ever at John Dee, Oslo, this Saturday.

Strange? Gentle, Trashcan Darlings, GangBang Culture 2005

Strange? Gentle, Trashcan Darlings, GangBang Culture 2005

Frankie Nachtnebel, Trashcan Darlings, GangBang Culture 2005

Frankie Nachtnebel, Trashcan Darlings, GangBang Culture 2005

Strange? Gentle, Trashcan Darlings. Releaseparty for new Trashcan Darlings album "Getting Away With Murder" at Elm Street Rock Cafe, 2006-09-02

Strange? Gentle, Trashcan Darlings. Releaseparty for new Trashcan Darlings album 'Getting Away With Murder' at Elm Street Rock Cafe, 2006-09-02

Frankie Nachtnebel, Trashcan Darlings. Releaseparty for new Trashcan Darlings album "Getting Away With Murder" at Elm Street Rock Cafe, 2006-09-02

Frankie Nachtnebel, Trashcan Darlings. Releaseparty for new Trashcan Darlings album 'Getting Away With Murder' at Elm Street Rock Cafe, 2006-09-02


Ronny er sint!

Ronny er sint!

Egentlig skulle jeg postet bilder fra Ronnys nye julesyvtommer “Penga går som faen” som ble sluppet på fredag, men i mangel av gode scans poster jeg et nytt promobilde av Ronny. Ganske så rødt, så litt julestemning er det å hente.

Ellers må jeg bare si at jeg er fornøyd med Shadowbox som “stort høykvalitetsbildefremviser”. Skal fungere for andre media også, slik som video og snapshots av websider, uten at jeg har funnet ut så mye enda

Og på tampen, for dere som leter etter en fin julegave: Jeg selger min Gossen Digipro F – Flash and Ambient Lightmeter for 1700,- , da jeg skal oppgradere til en som har dedikert spotmåler og trigger Pocketwizards.

Promo: The Carburetors

The Carburetors promo image.

The Carburetors promo

Promo images for The Carburetors, for their upcoming release Rock’n’Roll Forever. Still lots of leather, black denim and sunglasses.

The Carburetors promo.

The Carburetors promo.

Chris Damien Doll

Chris Damien Doll

Chris Damien Doll

Just a test of the Shadowbox plugin (and another reminder of the upcoming Trashcan Darlings concert!). I have also updated this post with Ronny Pøbel, check it out.

My plan is to show larger images!

Please click the picture and give me some quick feedback in the comment field.