Category: Photography

Spiegel Online

Didn’t know until now, but the important German magazine Spiegel had a photo feature from Øya Festival on their web site. Photos from the Øya Phototeam (incl. me).


Enslaved, playing at Rockefeller Music Hall, Oslo, Norway, 2008-12-18. Featured in article on (Norwegian)

Ronny Pøbel: “Penga går som faen”

Endelig har jeg fått scannet Ronny Pøbels julesyvtommer. Løp og kjøp for å få den rette pønkejulestemningen. Coverdesign: Marius Olsen Foto: Espen Stranger Seland Ronny Pøbel: Penga går som faen!, forside Ronny Pøbel: Penga går som faen!, bakside

Farewell to Trashcan Darlings

We will miss you, kings of glam punk! I hope to see a lot of you at TD’s last concert ever at John Dee, Oslo, this Saturday.