Category: Photography


Egentlig skulle jeg postet bilder fra Ronnys nye julesyvtommer “Penga går som faen” som ble sluppet på fredag, men i mangel av gode scans poster jeg et nytt promobilde av Ronny. Ganske så rødt, så litt julestemning er det å hente. Ellers må jeg bare si at jeg er fornøyd med Shadowbox som “stort høykvalitetsbildefremviser”….

Promo: The Carburetors

Promo images for The Carburetors, for their upcoming release Rock’n’Roll Forever. Still lots of leather, black denim and sunglasses.

Chris Damien Doll

Just a test of the Shadowbox plugin (and another reminder of the upcoming Trashcan Darlings concert!). I have also updated this post with Ronny Pøbel, check it out. My plan is to show larger images! Please click the picture and give me some quick feedback in the comment field.

The Carburetors – Rock’n’Roll Forever, album cover

Cover for Euopean release for The Carburetors: Rock’n’Roll Forever. Digipack, silver spot colour (bad and difficult scanning, of course). Cover design/artwork by The Carburetors and Nadine Sauerland. Photo appeared first time on Scream Magazine (see under) and on several posters and merchandise.